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Feeling Great has never been this easy!

Hey It's Tereza!

I am a mother of 4 , Business owner and Mortgage Specialist passionate about helping others achieve optimal health and wellness. 

Being fit, looking good & feeling good isn’t always about tremendous amounts of hard work & eating correctly. Unfortunately our ‘Modern Day Food Environment’ is missing all the proper fiber, vitamins, nutrients & minerals so we are fighting an up hill battle.


The most important thing in our life is our Health & Feeling good, I have a system that I can now impact lives with the same way it impacted mine. 

Remember Health is your REAL Wealth !

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The Feels Great System is simple. Wake up and start the morning with a delicious Unimate. Take Balance 5 to 15 minutes before your meals and eat your regular food. No dieting, No counting anything.

  • Healthy Glucose & Cholesterol Levels

  • Improved body composition

Unimate and Balance work together to help you extend the time between dinner and your first meal of the following day.

How it Works


Get up and go with Unimate. This highly concentrated yerba mate drink contains a unique blend of plant compounds known to:

  • Improve mood


  • Boost energy


  • Heighten mental clarity


  • Suppress appetite

Click here to lean more about the Unimate!


Balance is the smart solution to balanced nutrition. This patented blend of fibers, nutrients, and plant compounds are specifically designed to:

  • Slow carbohydrate absorption so your stay full longer

  • Promote proper digestion and cholesterol absorption

  • Provide 9 essential vitamins and minerals

Click here to lean more about the Balance!

Our Products

Prescribers’ Digital Reference (PDR)

The Prescribers’ Digital Reference, formerly the Physicians’ Desk Reference, is the drug and wellness directory most commonly used and trusted by healthcare providers worldwide. Continued focus on clinical research has enabled Unicity to list 17+ products in the

prestigious publication.

Trusted by Physicians, Unimate and Balance are both listed in the PDR

Healthy Mood, Healthy Life

What makes Unicity different from all of the other
nutrition supplement companies out there?

Frequently Asked Questions

What to Expect When Using the Feel Great System

Increasing your fiber intake could result in a temporary increase of gas or bloating for some individuals. This is a common bodily response as you get used to higher amounts of daily fiber intake. The effects should diminish after 2–3 weeks. If you’re very uncomfortable, consider halving the portion of Balance you take before each meal for 3–7 days.

What do I eat? Do I need to do a diet or can I continue my diet? 

One of the best parts of this system is you can eat any food you like. Even though you can eat any food, for better results we suggest following these 5 crucial tips: Taking Balance® before lunch and dinner (your two largest meals of the day). Taking Unimate® in the morning. Get high quality proteins (animal based protein or soy based protein) to meet your body’s anabolic needs. Try to avoid drinking your carbs instead eat them. Sodas and fruit juices are mostly sugar and are not good for your body. If you really want to drink some fruit juice or soda what you can do is drink a balance to make up for the missing fiber, but as mentioned earlier this is not recommended. Use high quality fats and oil for cooking.

How does this work to help me lose weight?

Weight loss is not the primary goal of the Feel Great System — it is a bonus. If your main goal of starting the Feel Great System is weight loss, it is most effective when pairs with intermittent fasting and diet change. Otherwise, it will be a slow process. You will start seeing results in time but it takes patience and consistency to see the results. If your goal is to lose weight, we recommend incorporating higher intakes of protein with each meal while using the system. That will enhance the benefits of the system and you may start noticing changes sooner.

Can I still take my medication? How do I take my medication with the Feel Great System?

Consult with your health care professional before starting any dietary supplement program. The PDR is the most trusted source of information for health care practitioners. You can find more about Unimate and Balance at

PDR website.

How long should I use the system?

This will depend entirely upon your goals. Feel Great is not a restrictive diet, a passing fad, or a difficult health challenge. It is designed to be a completely sustainable lifestyle. Because using the Feel Great products is so simple and the Feel Great effects are so powerful, most people continue taking the products for many years. As there is no dependency created, you should feel free to stop using them whenever you choose. But you might not want to.

Do I need to fast?

No, the system is flexible and does not require fasting. However, for those looking for the best results for insulin and glucose control, and for those looking to lose weight, time-based eating is recommended.

Start Living Healthy Today

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